Thursday, November 26, 2009

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

it is most likely because of bleaching it you have caused a lot of hairs to fall out and break.

bleaching you hair all at once is really unhealthy.

i would recommend switching to Nixon as shampoo and conditioner.

it will help you hair to stay healthy through dying it and it will thicken your hair.

i went through the same thing, but i did mine gradually.

in the end, it still felt lighter/different and a salon worker recommended that shampoo and it worked wonders.

it can be purchased at any salon, and you definitely get your moneys worth..

good luck :]

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

you probably got high off the fumes.

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

your hair is dead now, less weight cuz it kind of breaks down your hair

also, above it could be the fumes, that is a possiblity

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

It's the chemicals. Wait a bit and you should feel better, if not see a doctor.

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

a trick of the mind! bleached hair is light in color so therefore you percieve it to weigh less then darker hair hence your head feels lighter....???????????just a thought...

My head feels lighter after bleaching my hair blond, why is that?

Maybe your brain fell out; doofus.

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